† Corresponding author. E-mail:
‡ Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11304294 and 11274281) and the Science Fund from the National Laboratory of Shock Wave and Detonation Physics of China (Grant Nos. 9140C670201140C67281 and 9140C670102150C67288).
The high-pressure polymorphs and structural transformation of Sn were experimentally investigated using angle-dispersive synchrotron x-ray diffraction up to 108.9 GPa. The results show that at least at 12.8 GPa β-Sn→bct structure transformation was completed and no two-phase coexistence was found. By using a long-wavelength x-ray, we resolved the diffraction peaks splitting and discovered the formation of a new distorted orthorhombic structure bco from the bct structure at 31.8 GPa. The variation of the lattice parameters and their ratios with pressure further validate the observation of the bco polymorph. The bcc structure appears at 40.9 GPa and coexists with the bco phase throughout a wide pressure range of 40.9 GPa–73.1 GPa. Above 73.1 GPa, only the bcc polymorph is observed. The systematically experimental investigation confirms the phase transition sequence of Sn as β-Sn→bct→bco→bco+bcc→bcc upon compression to 108.9 GPa at room temperature.
The group IVa elements (C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb) occupy the boundary between semiconducting and insulating behavior in the periodic table. Among them, Sn locates at the borderline between the semiconducting elements (C, Si, Ge) with the tendency to form strong sp3 tetrahedral bonds and the heavy metallic element (Pb) with d orbitals participation in the bonding.[1–3] Because of the special bonding, Sn exhibits a complicated phase transition sequence under finite temperatures and pressures. Below 286 K, Sn is in a diamond-structured α-Sn phase (or Sn–I, Fd-3m).[4] With increasing temperature, α-Sn becomes unstable and transforms into a metallic β-phase (or Sn–II, I41/amd). Increasing the temperature further, the β-Sn melts into liquid phase at 504.9 K. Applying pressure at ambient temperature, the β-phase firstly transforms into another body-centered tetragonal structure (bct) γ-Sn (or Sn–III, I4/mmm) at 9.5 GPa–10.3 GPa,[5–7] and then transforms into a body-centered cubic structure (bcc, Im-3m) above 40 GPa.[6–8] Under higher compression up to 157 GPa, the bcc Sn finally transforms into a denser hexagonal close-packed (hcp, P63/mmc) structure.[9]
Recently, an experimental observation by Salamat et al.[10] indicated that bct-Sn did not transform directly into the bcc phase, but via an intermediate body-centered orthorhombic (bco, Immm) phase at 32 GPa. The bco structure is typically characterized by the symmetrical broadening of the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the 200 and 211 Bragg peaks relative to the bct phase. Above 40 GPa, the bco phase partly transforms into the bcc phase and coexists with it in a wide pressure range of 40 GPa∼70 GPa. Unfortunately, the poor quality in the FWHM data of the reflections in their experiment[10] weakens the reliability of their conclusion to a certain extent. To conclude the appearance of a new phase only by symmetrical broadening of Bragg peaks is somewhat insufficient, because an unexpected bridging of the sample between diamond anvils also can lead to anisotropic broadening due to strong uniaxial stress. The non-hydrostatic stress induced by pressure-transmitting media (PTMs) also could lead to the same effect. Additionally, Salamat et al.[10] observed that the original β-phase and the high-pressure bct phase coexist metastably up to 15.7 GPa, whereas other previous studies[5–7] reported an onset pressure of the bct phase at 9.5 GPa with a smaller region of coexistence up to only 10.3 GPa. Nevertheless, there are no further measurements having been made to investigate the difference between the transition and finished pressures in all of these studies.[5–7,10]
Consequently, it is necessary to reinvestigate the high-pressure crystal structures of Sn to clarify its phase transition behavior under compression. Here we applied a combination of high-resolution synchrotron angle-dispersive x-ray diffraction (ADXRD) and diamond anvil cell (DAC) loading to systematically investigate the polymorphism of Sn up to 108.9 GPa. This work clearly observed the formation of a new orthorhombic structure from the bct structure at 31.8 GPa and confirmed the phase transition sequence of Sn as β-Sn→bct→bco→bco+bcc →bcc. The study also highlights the general aspects of the experimental approach to explore such phase transformations.
High-pressure experiments were carried out using modified Mao-Bell type DAC with two beveled diamond anvils (120-μm central flat beveled at 7° angle from the 260 μm culet). The rhenium gaskets with an initial thickness of 250 μm were preindented to ∼ 20 μm and a sample chamber with a diameter of ∼ 50 μm was drilled in the center. The polycrystalline Sn sample was scalpeled from tin rod (99.98%, Alfa Aeasar) and then loaded into the sample chamber along with a ruby ball as the pressure indicator.[11] Silicon oil (run 1) and argon (run 2) were used as PTMs in the two experimental runs, respectively. In situ high-pressure ADXRD was performed at beamline ID 4W2 at the Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility (BSRF). The x-ray was monochromatized to 0.6199 Å, a wavelength expected to detect the splitting of diffraction Bragg peaks, which is important for probing the bco structure. The x-ray beam was focused down to an FWHM of 13 μm×20 μm by Kirkpatrick–Baez mirrors. Data were collected using a Pilatus 2M detector. The sample-detector distance and the correction for instrumental broadening were calibrated using a CeO2 standard from NIST (SRM 674a) using FIT2D.[12] All of the measurements were conducted at room temperature. ADXRD data were analyzed using FIT2D[12] and EXPGUI GSAS.[13]
The Rietveld refinement of the x-ray-diffraction pattern collected at 12.8 GPa in run 1 is shown in Fig.
With increasing pressure, the bct structure keeps stable till a distinct change in the x-ray diffraction pattern is observed at 31.8 GPa (Fig.
The observed asymmetrical change and splitting of the 211 diffraction peak confirm the bct→bco structure transformation. The x-ray diffraction patterns might suggest the structural transition is second-order between the bct and the bco polymorphs. The symmetry was reduced from tetragonal to orthorhombic with the presence of an orthorhombic distortion and loss of the −4 rotation axis.
The lattice parameters and their ratios as a function of pressure are presented in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. The lattice parameters a, b, c (a), and their ratios c/a and b/a (b) as a function of pressure. The open symbols denote the data in this work and the solid ones denote those from Ref. [10]. The dashed lines are guides to the eye. |
Above 40.9 GPa, the x-ray diffraction data show the appearance of an additional peak (Fig.
The compressive behavior of Sn up to 108.9 GPa is presented in Fig.
This study presents a systematic experimental investigation of the high-pressure polymorphism of polycrystalline Sn in a DAC. The results reveal an unusual high-pressure structural transformation of Sn in the 4.3 GPa–108.9 GPa range. At least at 12.8 GPa, β-Sn has accomplished the transition into high-pressure bct structure, and the suggested coexistence of the two phases is not observed. The large discrepancy of the finished pressure of β-Sn → bct phase transformation in the studies is attributed to a combined effect of the texture of the original sample, the PTMs and pressure indicators. By using a longer-wavelength x-ray, a directly experimental observation clearly demonstrate the splitting of the 211 diffraction peak and validate the formation of a new orthorhombic structure from the bct structure at 31.8 GPa. The characters of the splitting x-ray-diffraction peaks and the continuity in the volume-pressure data both suggest that the phase transition between the bct and bco polymorphs might be second-order. That also suggests an experimental approach to explore such phase transition characterized as asymmetrical and splitting diffraction peaks induced by lattice distortion. The experimental observation demonstrates the bco and bcc structures coexist throughout a wide pressure range of 40.9 GPa–73.1 GPa and confirms the phase sequence as β-Sn→bct→bco→bco+bcc→bcc of Sn under compression up to 108.9 GPa.
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